How Laser Hair Removal Helps Women with PCOS

If you or someone you know has suffered from PCOS, you know very well the frustrating symptoms that can come along with it. The long name for PCOS is polycystic ovary syndrome, and the name pretty clearly speaks for itself. It's a condition that plagues women and causes them to develop often painful cysts on their ovaries. But, unfortunately, cysts aren't the only symptom.

What does PCOS have to do with laser hair removal?

We're glad you asked. Some common symptoms of PCOS are weight gain, menstrual irregularities, infertility, and excessive hair growth on places like the face, neck, and back. For many women, the facial hair growth that accompanies PCOS can be rapid and overwhelming to the point where they find themselves plucking, shaving, and waxing very frequently. So, what is a PCOS patient supposed to do?

That's where laser hair removal can help! Laser hair removal is ideal for women with unwanted facial hair because it works quickly and efficiently to eliminate the existing hair rather than trimming it off at the top as a razor does. Laser hair removal lasts longer than waxing and is gentler on the tender skin of your face. 

For women, unwanted facial hair comes with a lot of emotions. It signals that something isn't right in your body and can make some women feel less feminine. We have a lot of experience working with women who are deeply unhappy or embarrassed about their appearance because of some extra hair, and luckily, we can do something about it!

If unwanted facial hair is making your life difficult due to PCOS or any other reason, our laser hair removal treatments may be the right solution for you. We highly recommend you set up a free consultation to learn more about our process, and together, we'll create a treatment solution that works. Contact us today, and let's get started!